"On becoming a cherry pit the day of the Dobbs Decision"
"Body Language"
Spring/Summer 2023

"dance making"
"Body Language"
Spring/Summer 2023

"Who is a Bird"
Mouse Magazine, Issue 4
January 2022 

"Unexpectedly, the Oranges" 
Gigantic Sequins, Issue 11
July 2020

"On the day the world closed up shop, a pair of Ugg boots on the sidewalk"
What Rough Beast COVID-19 Edition, Indolent Books
April 13, 2020

The Underground, Volume 9, Issue 2
April 2019

“a poem about pain” 
The Underground, Volume 9, Issue 2
April 2019

“Artist Bio” 
The Underground, Volume 9, Issue 2
April 2019

"Unexpected Small Pocket in June" 
America's Emerging Poets 2018: Maryland, Virginia, and the Carolinas, Z Publishing House

“Song in the Shape of the West Bank” 
Amendment Literary and Art Journal
Fall 2018 

“The Poet, Alone in a Crowded Theater, Watches 2001 A Space Odyssey” 
Virginia’s Best Emerging Poets, Z Publishing House

against the body against the name
Amendment Literary and Art Journal
Fall 2017

this will cause pain
Amendment Literary and Art Journal
Fall 2017

 “Maxcy Gregg”
Pwatem Anthology of Literature and Art
Spring 2017 



Highly Produced Punk Chaos in Alex Romania’s FACE EATERS
July 2024

Snug Harbor Dance Festival
The Brooklyn Rail
October 2023

Voicing Together
an interview with Mame Diarra Speis and Daniel Alexander Jones
The Brooklyn Rail
June 2023

SIGHTLINES: Amanda Hameline and Wendell Gray II
June 2023

Rube G.—The Consequence of Action
The Brooklyn Rail
April 2023

No Dance Schools in Anatevka: Fidler Afn Dakh’s Staś Kmieć interviewed by Hallie Chametzky
February 2023

Half a Dozen Fresh Baked Dances
The Brooklyn Rail
November 2022

HOLDTIGHT: when the blossom passes, what remains?
The Brooklyn Rail
October 2022

May You Pay Attention
TERRITORY: The Island Remembers by zavé martohardjono
The Brooklyn Rail
May 2022

m i c c a and the Landscape of Grief
The Brooklyn Rail
February 2022

Dancing Archivists: A Conversation
Co-written with Sarah Nguyễn
In Dance
Fall 2021

Bill T. Jones Dancing Through Disease in Can You Bring It and Afterwardsness
The Brooklyn Rail
June 2021

Against Staying in Shape
Dancegeist Magazine
April 2021

Shifting and Balancing: Dance Archiving Fellowships in the Virtual World
Co-written with Imogen Smith
Performance! Newsletter of the SAA Performing Arts Section
Winter/Spring 2021

Contemporary Dancer Cori Kresge Uses Dance and Poetry to Make Sense of Life​
Dance Magazine
December 28, 2020

Rebels are Dancing in the Streets (But No in Thunder to All My Fellow White People Who Shared Those Videos of Police Prancing with Protestors!)
First of the Month
October 1st, 2020
Adapted from an essay originally posted in Contact Quarterly. 

To My Fellow White People Who Shared Those Videos of Police Dancing at Protests
Rolling Edition, Contact Quarterly
September 12, 2020

Archiving and Preservation During Covid-19, Part-2
From the Green Room, Dance/USA's eJournal
September 4, 2020

Archiving and Preservation During Covid-19, Part-1
From the Green Room, Dance/USA's eJournal
September 4, 2020

No, You're Not A Bad Person If You Don't Want to Take Virtual Dance Classes
Dance Magazine
April 3, 2020

Sophie Maslow and the Chanukah Festivals for Israel
In the Muse, the Library of Congress Performing Arts Blog
December 3, 2018.

"A Plan and a Hope": Woody Guthrie, Sophie Maslow, and the Many Gifts of Modern Dance
In the Muse, the Library of Congress Performing Arts Blog
August 31, 2018.